OEM Remanufacturing

Do you have obsolete, worn out parts?

Our rebuilding service can breathe new life into components and restore them to OEM condition and ensure they operate good as new. Sometimes you can’t find a replacement part because they don’t make them anymore or maybe it’s out of your price range. Our experience provides you with the best solutions.

Our core capabilities include:

  • Precision turning all the way up to Ø50” AND 316” LONG
  • Milling- manual and CNC milling capabilities
  • Thermal spray welding to build up worn surfaces
  • Weldment assembly  

Common part we work on:

  • Heavy equipment shafts and hubs
  • Industrial process equipment components
  • Gearbox components
  • Food processing systems

Maintain your roller fleet with professional repairs

Do your rollers have noticeable wear and tear? Is your company’s production quality on the decline? These are just a few signs that you may need roller repair services in Lowell, MI or anywhere in Western Michigan. Not to worry, our experienced team is standing by and ready to help you get back on track.

US Hydraulics offers:

  • Core repair services
  • Shaft repair services
  • Bearing repair services
  • Journal repair services
  • Box repair services

We can restore your roller fleet to peak operating condition. Connect with us today to schedule reliable and professional roller repair services.

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